Friday, April 27, 2012

Rooftops of Tehran

Rooftops of Tehran
Author: Mahbod Seraji
Source: My mom
Days to Read: 5

This was among several books that my mom had read and thought I might like. With almost every trip home, my mom and I exchange books and I am always excited to see what she has picked out for me. When starting a new book I am open to what it has to offer. I try not to really think about if I like it or not and just keep reading. This tactic comes in handy when I know I am beginning to get bored or am struggling to understand what is happening. I push those thoughts away and trek on. Some books, like The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, require a good 100+ pages before the reader has a grasp on the characters and what is going on. I owe it to whichever book I'm reading, to give it an honest to goodness attempt to enjoy it!

Now you may be thinking given what I have just explained, that I did not enjoy the Rooftops of Tehran. But this is not the case! I absolutely LOVED this book and found myself wanting to continue reading after I had turned the final page.

The story is set in Iran and told by the main character Pasha. Pasha is a young boy with a passion for reading growing up in a small alley community. More than anything, it is a love story between Pasha and his neighbour Zari whom he falls in love with. Zari is an enchanting, intelligent, beauty who has been promised to marry Doctor. Pasha and Doctor develop a special friendship in which they discuss books and politics and their views on their country's judicial system. Pasha also spends countless evenings on his rooftop discussing everything under the stars with his best friend Ahmed. Life is sweet and beautiful for Pasha, Zari, Ahemd and Faheemah (Ahmed’s love) until their friend Doctor is taken by the SADAK, the secret police organization in Iran. From then on, the four friends are forced to grow up and deal with issues far beyond their years. But their love for one another bonds them together.

I wish Mahod Seraji had other books that I could read! I truly enjoyed Rooftops of Tehran.
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